Johnny Morrisette - Brick
The Idols - The Prowler
Sammy Salvo - Wolf boy
Billy Williams - The Pied Piper
The Sherwoods - Monkey see, monkey do
Little Daddy Walton - Highway Blues
Jimmy Reed - Don t press your luck woman
Wild Jimmy Spruill - Cut and dried
Al Wilson - Take me back
The Zircons - Mama wants to drive
The 5 keys - Do the cha cha cherry
Jerry Hanson - Why not cha cha
Ganim' s Asia Minors - Daddy Lolo
Teddy & The Clock Watchers - Kinky
The Scarfs - The jerk is the thing
The Tikis - Big feets
What s happening - Hot buttered buns
Louis (Blues Boy) Jones - Someway, Somewhere
Little Herman - I m gonna put the hurt on you
Al Gardner - Watch Yourself
Johnny Otis Show - Keep the faith part 1
The Tarantulas - Black widow
Little Willie John - Spasm
Caroll Bennett - He s coming home
Buddy Lucas - Bo-Lee
Malcom Dodds - Tremble